
Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a portrait and wedding photographer based out of Madison, Wisconsin. Here you will find my latest work and what I've been up to. Please feel free to browse and comment!

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If you have any questions or would just like to chit chat, I'm available at jenn@jennvanwyk.com or 608.335.9213

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Road America

If you follow my blog, you'll know that a few months back my parents bought an RV. Literally a 32 foot home on wheels. A few weekends back, we decided to take it on it's maiden voyage to Road America in Elkhart Lake. My dad and brother are huge race fans and general car enthusiasts, and my hubby Brian fits right in with them. Us girls just plan the food, and the drinks... both very important things : ) Due to some last minute generator problems, we stayed across the street at a campground, and picked up the whole shin-dig and drove it over to the races. It's so weird to spend the night and have all of your stuff in one place and DRIVE it to where you want to go. Everything was with us, it was so cool!

Road America

This is my brother Aaron or "Ron" or "Honda Ron" with our dog Edie. I think it's still so funny to call him Ron. I remember the night he was born we all sat around trying to thing of nicknames, and the best we could do was "Air"... not so good... we ended up calling him "Bear" his entire life after his stuffed animal, but after the age of 12 we realized it was embarrassing to say among his friends! Anyway... leave it to high school buds to think of the perfect nickname! Oh and please disregard his broken sunglasses (they are missing the side on the left)... these were my dad's in the 80's and he refuses to give them up! Don't worry Ron, it's on my Christmas list for you!

Road America

I love our dog's ears. As you can see here, she is listening to me with one, but her left ear is listening to the race cars...

Road America

Edie in front of THE Itasca Sunflyer. Yes it is cool. We were joking walking around looking at these multi million dollar motorhomes that were brand new that the owners must walk past ours and go "Is that an Itasca? (the brand of the motorhome) we had one of those in the 80's!"

Ok, and just to make it look like I knew what was going on at the race track... here is a picture of the race. I have no idea what types of cars or why, or even if these were the lead cars.... but they are pretty! (Guys roll eyes here)
Road America

What would be a weekend without a little friendly man competition? Here's Brian racing my brother -
Road America

And Honda Ron. He lapped the other dude who was racing with them in the first three laps. Crazy.
Road America

Road America

Now I would never be one of those people who takes way too many pictures of their dog and then posts them and makes other people look at them....
Road America

All and all we had a great day at the races. And we survived the Maiden Voyage!
Road America

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