
Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a portrait and wedding photographer based out of Madison, Wisconsin. Here you will find my latest work and what I've been up to. Please feel free to browse and comment!

For more information and pricing, visit my website at www.jennvanwyk.com or find us on Facebook!

If you have any questions or would just like to chit chat, I'm available at jenn@jennvanwyk.com or 608.335.9213

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

To My Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day Brian! Know that without you I would have never had the courage to dream big to follow
my love for photography to where it has grown today. Your continued support, love, patience, and time spent
playing video games while I edit for countless hours are not overlooked. Thank you for being there for me,
thank you for listening to my 1 billion business ideas and being my constant sounding board. I couldn't do it
without you.

To my best friend, and Valentine - I love you!

Photos taken by Chris Gates

1 comment:

  1. My goodness- what a sweet sentiment! You two are beautiful together. I love what Chris captured. The first photo is just so magical! I can practically hear the laughter in the 2nd one! After 18 years of marriage, makes me think I should ask you & Brian to take a few of us!:)
