Friends and family, register to view the photos here.
Their wedding was held at Ashbury United Methodist Church in Middleton, the church Kate grew up in. It is a beautiful location, with stain glass, natural light, and plenty of room. I started my time with the ladies, getting ready in one of the nurseries.
Kate's beautiful dress:

I just love this one. I think it just captures the hustle and bustle of girls getting ready. All of the futsing and scurry.

And this is where I started tearing up... I can't help it, mother daughter bonds always get me choked up!

I wish I knew what Kate was thinking, seeing herself as a bride for the first time!

While I was hanging with the ladies, my second shooter Chris was over with the gentlemen as they were getting ready. As you would suspect, the whole process was a little bit more laid back for the guys. I went up there at one point to check and see if they were ready for photos and they were throwing balls around, skate boarding, and well, just being guys! I love going through Chris's pictures and seeing what he captures when I'm somewhere else, it's such a pleasant surprise! If you're planning a wedding, you might want to consider adding a second shooter. This allows photos to be taken at two places at one time, and you'll see from the ones below you will get some great shots!

It's time! Chris caught this awesome shot as the wedding party made their way down the aisle.

Kate's beautiful boquet... that she made herself! (I didn't know this until much much later when I saw some facebook photos of the girls assembling their flowers. Take notes future brides, it can be done!)

Nate seeing his bride for the first time (tear up time number 2! Head over to the Jenn Van Wyk Photography Facebook page and become a fan to see bonus photos. One is a sweet photo of Kate's brother seeing her for the first time... this was tear up time number 3... )

Matt Metzger from Blackhawk Church preformed the ceremony. Being from Blackhawk, I always look forward to his messages, and this was one of the most touching and applicable wedding ceremonies I have heard in while. I think this photo was snapped while Matt was talking about the difficulties that will arrive in marriage (and I paraphrase), such as sickness, financial difficulties, and you know, one of you running to the door for a pizza and falling a breaking your ankle in a bunch of different places and having to have surgery kind of challanges (which coincidentally has happened to Nate...hmmm)

First time announced as Mr. & Mrs. Sweet. Yay!

We then headed out to take photos of the wedding party & Kate and Nate. We started at the church, which had this beautiful outdoor garden.
The dudes.

Another close-up of the gorgeous boquets. The bridesmaids dresses were from JCrew, and all the colors just pop! Love it!

Kate is an absolutely beautiful bride!

It had started to drizzle at this point, so we walked here, Chris held the umbrella over them, and on the count of three, removed the umbrella snapped a few and had them back under quick. It worked! Rain - zero points, Jenn & Chris - 1 point

We rounded up the bridal party and headed to the capitol. These guys were FUN! Enjoy these next few, I had a ball taking them!

I crack up every time I see this one. Some of you have some ridiculous disgusting faces! (Don't worry, we did take a nice "serious" one).

Then it was off to have some fun at the reception at the Madison Concourse Hotel! Upon entering the hall, they had set up this candy table with little bags for guest to make their own goodies. On them was a label "Sweets from the Sweets" with their new address. How cute!

A little close-up of the center pieces - also made by Kate and her bridesmaids.

Cake time!

Love, love, love this angle that Chris caught:

Time to eat!

Now, these guys pulled off the "You have to sing a song about love to get us to kiss" game that I have ever seen. There were guests up at the mic every 30 seconds bealting out their love tunes. The whole crowd would start singing along and clapping, it was great! Then again, I am a sap for these kind of things!

This cutie got up and sang a song, and it was simply adorable. Aftwards he runs back to his table and starts collecting one dollar bills from everyone! He was bribed to go up there and came out with a fistfull of cash... too funny!

On to the dancing! Celebrations Entertainment kept the crowd rockin! Seriously, after these dances there was not enough room on the dance floor. People were getting down on the carpet. That is one good DJ! I know he had me singing and dancing while taking photos!

This was tear-up time number 4, the mother-son dance. So precious.

Alright people, let's get down and boogie!

Kate and Nate, thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me be a part of your day. It was truely an honor. Best of luck in your new married life in Seattle! We will miss you!
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