Rob ushers his mom in...

The moms lighting the unity candle.

Rob sees his bride for the first time.

I love this angle that Chris grabbed.

I think I started crying here as well! Such a sweet moment.

Brooke & Rob's parents prayed with them after lighting the unity candle.

It's official! Mr. & Mrs. Labak!

Oh wait. Now it's official!

Now off to the party! The tent looked beautiful!

A little prayer and toast by the father of the groom to start things off...

There were all of these little "food stations" set-up around the yard. Not to mention a beautiful moon!

Let the dancing begin!

What would make the night even better? What, did you say a Jimmy Buffet-esque band? Why funny you should say so! The Pirates over 40 kept the crowd entertained!

Thank you Brooke & Rob for letting me share in your big day. It was an honor to be your photographer!
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