A few weekends ago, I went on a mini retreat with our Lifegroup girls (don't worry the men stayed home and cooked out wild game meat and made marshmellow guns... so they were more than taken care of!), and we went to a little cabin on Lake Wisconsin. It was so relaxing to get away, turn off the cell phone, and not be connected to a computer for 24 hours. It rained all weekend, so we were forced to sit inside and chit chat about life, which was a-ok with us! When the rain let up to a sprinkle I was just dying to get outside to grab some photos of the scenery. The kids of the owner of the cabin had this little "fort" set up outside with these great old chairs. I usually don't edit my photos to this extreme, but liked the feel it gave them. Here are a few of my favorites:

There was this great misty fog that morning as well

There was this great misty fog that morning as well
Beautiful photos!